Among the many clinics presented at the Station No. VI convention will be the Operations Road Show. This three-hour clinic will give you hands-on experience of operating a train using Timetable and Train Order rules. The clinic starts with a brief description of the operation methodology and assignment to a two-man crew. That crew will be accompanied by a pilot that helps them navigate their way around the layout by observing the prototypical rules. You will be controlling your train with a radio throttle with local control of turnouts. No previous knowledge of Digitrax throttles is required. No previous experience of operating under Timetable and Train Order rules is required. The only things you need to bring to the clinic are your cell phone and a willingness to learn. Experienced operators are invited too! This year’s Free Mo N supplied layout will feature a mainline run of 260 feet (almost 8 scale miles) and many yards and switching opportunities.

The Operations Road Show sessions are available per the following schedule:
- Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, two sessions each day, starting at 9 AM and 7 PM
- Friday, two sessions starting at 9 AM and 2 PM.
You must register in advance for your session at the layout in Ballroom B. Sign-ups will start on Monday evening at 5 PM. See Cindy Young at the layout in Ballroom B to register for a session.
Each individual Operations Road Show session is on the Agenda on the event site. After you sign up for a session, you can select the corresponding Agenda item and add it to your Personal Itinerary.
There is no charge for the Operations Road Show clinic. You are invited to visit the layout in Ballroom B any time. The modular owners will be operating the layout and doing display running between the operating sessions.